Aujourd'hui, en 2016, alors que je fais des recherches sur un petit synthétiseur en panne retrouvé dans un placard (un MM 200 de Berchet Electronics), je tombe sur une page du Forum de l'association Silicium qui oeuvre dans le domaine de la sauvegarde du patrimoine numérique. Quand on sait à quel...

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Indexhibit is a CMS which was quite sucessful and widely used in the 2000's. Its minimalist look and simple browsing interface made it the perfect tool for artists and designers who were not well versed into technical details. What it had in simplicity it lacked into security (the codeb...

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A FDDE for Floppy Disk Drive Emulator (also called sometimes Floppy Disk Hardware Emulator) is a really nice device which can replace a standard 3.5" FDD. It tricks an old device in which it is hooked into thinking it communicates with a regular FDD. Basically it's a device that takes modern medium like an USB-based mass storage or a SD card instead of a 3.5" floppy disk, and convert them into the right data signals to communicate with a host via the FDD bus. See it as a Link To The Past anchored into the present.

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